Privacy Policy

We protect the privacy and safety of our users and visitors to protect digital security, as it is obvious that collects general information to maintain better service. The data collected is not for intensive purposes; we used the calculated data for better ad services and business boosters. 

What Information Do We Collect?

The personal and general data is categorized based on providing the best and most accessible services to our users. Here is the detail about the collection of data:

  • collects data like the user’s device name, internet protocol, internet service provider, time, and date to analyze what we seek and look for on our website.
  • The cookies detect the general data about the user, and Google also detects these cookies to improve the advertisement facility. We also share the cookies with third-party advertising companies to improve the quality of ads.
  • You can also turn off the cookies option to disable the detection of address and IP address; with cookies access, our service is better.
  • By viewing the data and information on, you agree to our terms and privacy policy.

Third-Party Policies

Third-party advertising companies run the ads and campaigns on a personalized base; thus, they need the user’s IP address and internet services. When you interact with these ads, we are not responsible for your actions because it is your responsibility to protect your privacy.
When you log in to different accounts of ads or provide the information to collect your data, we also store your email address, name, and other passwords for your security and the improvement of the website. We can’t sell our users’ data for business purposes, and it is kept under secure conditions. Sometimes, the data can be shared for lawful action to protect the users and the safety of the website.

We Protect Your Data Rights

At, the data, general and personal information of our users and visitors is protected, and we delete the data after a certain time. You can also delete data from our data by removing the cookies and caches from the history option. It is your right to ask a question about your privacy, and we will respond to your questions. 
By getting data and viewing it from our website, you agree to our terms of service. We are thankful for your visit, and you can support our services by using more files from our website.

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